Monday, December 15, 2008

Published work! {Yay}

Last week I was contacted by the photography editor for Cherbo Publishing about an picture that they would like to use for an upcoming book about the quality of life in Indiana! I'm so excited that they are going to use one of my images :-)

Congrats to Jess & Brook for being fabulous models and having fun with me last fall! Can't wait to see it in print!!

This is the chosen image....isn't it dreamy??

It's been a while as you can tell from the old blog overlay... glad I changed it for the blog ;-) (Less distracting!)


  1. congratulations! you're work is great Samantha!

  2. thanks! (and thanks for commenting!! It makes me smile so big to hear everyone's thoughts!!)

  3. Congrats!! You deserve it!

  4. That's great! I'm happy for you!
