Monday, December 8, 2008

Cans for Comments

We are in the midst of the holiday season where love and joy surrounds us. I'm hopping on the bandwagon and joining other amazing photographers in a food drive for those in need.

So what's the deal?

Well, for every comment left on my blog (any comment made on any post) until Midnight December 12, I will be donating 1 non-perishable food item to the Terre Haute Lighthouse Mission to benefit those in need in my community.

Comments leave me warm and fuzzy inside and just by sharing some love on the blog, I will stretch that love out to those in need and help provide food and warmth to people in our community! There is so much love to go around during the holidays and my hope is to make it warm and bright for as many people as we can!

So what are you waiting for?? Start commenting! :-)

Special thanks go to some amazing photographers (that I greatly admire) for inspiring to post this today :-)


  1. I love this. What an inspiring blog!

  2. this is a really neat idea!

  3. yay!! now three of my blogs I read everyday is doing this. :o)

  4. Aaahhh...I love your pic of the can heart :) I'm doing the same...feel free to stop by and leave some love.

    Happy Holidays,

  5. Hello fellow Hoosier!

    Merry Christmas and blessings for giving back this holiday season!

  6. LOVE that you are doing this!!!

  7. This is an awesome idea! I love the picture too!

  8. Great idea, I've joined the cause too! :)
