Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wedding | Jennifer & Jim

Checking the hair!

The ladies met up at the Lexcel Salon in Terre Haute for hair and make up...

Do you remember this little one? She's right, her Aunt DOES rock!!

Some emotional notes were passed around on this day...

A gift to the groom...

Isn't she gorgeous??

Jim doesn't look so bad either ;-)

Some fun shots with the guys....Jim is definitely the funny man!

These babies were CRACKING me up! I just love the look Harper is giving!!

And now we wait...Doesn't the father of the bride look handsome?

The sweetest...

Do you remember Jen & Jim's E-Session?? They were full of laughs and smiles that day, and the wedding was no different! I LOVE IT!!

Jen & Jim were married at the BEAUTIFUL White Chapel....It was such a gorgeous day and we took full advantage of all of the wonderful locations in and around Rose Hulman's campus...

Off to the reception! They picked the Meadow's Banquet center for their celebration and it was perfect in every way!

Group Hug!!

Jennifer & Jim! You guys already know that you are AWESOME!! {I'm pretty sure I said that a million times that day!} I'm so very happy for being able to be a part of such a wonderful celebration....I can't wait to see where life will take you and I hope we stay in touch for a long time to come :-)


  1. I always love pictures from the White Chapel. They look like they were a lot of fun, and those babies were cracking me up too! Good job as always.

  2. love the pics!! that place is a beautiful place..i see why alot of people get married there... and alot of natural light.

  3. Jennifer is such a nice girl. . . We used to march together at ISU. Her pictures turned out fantastic!

    Nicole Murphy
