Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Engagement | Jennifer & Jim

Well, they go by Jimifer....haha~ I Love it! I couldn't tell you how many times we were confused with their names during the session....Jim, Jen, Jen, Jim....too close, but they have fun with it!

This couple is the cutest thing you'll ever see (see photo above~)....They were goofy and cuddly and fun! aaaannndddd.....AWESOME! I said that word over 100 times during a 2 hour period...I couldn't help it....if only we would have thought to spell it out Ala the YMCA dance moves, it would have been absolutely perfect?!

We did some fun shots around the Fine Arts building on ISU's campus...this was a special place to the two of them because they spent SO much time there together finishing up with school...

ISU's campus really is beautiful...especially in spring! We had a lot of backdrops to work with there....the fountain near the Student Union and tons of beautiful blooming trees...

Some of my favorite shots were done near the President's House and on 7th street near a few different local churches....great architecture and textures!

Love you guys! I'm looking forward to your energy on the wedding day~ I know it will be a blast :)

1 comment:

  1. nice work! i love your style. love your calendar, also. how do you add that?! does it come with certain templates? (i'm like a blogging r-tard)
