Saturday, May 10, 2008

Engagement | Sarah & Dustin

This Engagement Session was quite an adventure!

I always encourage my clients to choose a place that is meaningful to them to shoot their session...I love it when the location is special and holds emotional value to them when they view their images...whether its a couple or a family, either way, I feel it makes the images better if they are shot somewhere that they have fond memories of or they just simply enjoy the surroundings...

When I asked Sarah & Dustin where they would like to shoot their E-Session, she said, "We like Baseball & Water"...haha! I love how simple her answer was! It really made my creative juices start to flow and I decided that we would shoot their session on the campus of Rose Hulman in Terre Haute, IN. Rose Hulman has a BEAUTIFUL baseball field located right on HWY 40...I drive by it frequently admiring the beautiful grass and the well kept facility, hoping that someday I would find a couple that would want to take advantage of it! BINGO!

The details of this particular shoot that made it an adventure was the climbing...Oh, the climbing...I had called the facilities manager of the baseball field in advance to be sure that we would have permission to shoot there and to see when there would be an opportunity to do so...Well, when I consulted the online schedule for the baseball team to see when the field would be empty and we were clear to have it all to ourselves, we arrive only to find our that it's locked :( Not only locked, but barricaded! So we did what any normal people would do and we climbed a 12 ft fence to get our shots! I was sore for days! I'm no rock climber, or in good shape for that matter! I don't know about Sarah & Dustin but I think I just had an adrenaline rush that helped push me over the top! (Sorry if anyone from Rose Hulman reads this...we just had to get the shots!)

And some 'under the bleachers' kisses~

The White Chapel, a very popular local wedding venue, sits right on the edge of a gorgeous lake that consumes a large portion of the campus, so there are plenty of angles to get Sarah & Dustin's 'water' pictures!

I just noticed that there are TONS of kissing pictures in this post! haha...I promise took other shots too~ you can see for yourself here on their slideshow :)

Sarah & Dustin! Thank you so much for spending the evening with me shooting these fun images....I can't wait until your wedding this summer~

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