Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Challenge....

As many of you know, and have expressed to me recently that you've blog has been severely neglected!

I have 50 + posts to share with you, so I've decided to create a personal challenge and MAKE myself get them out there for the world to see!

Here's the deal.....

One post EVERYDAY for the next 50 days! That's right, I said it! Big or Small, a post is a post and if I fail to post one each day, you've got to call me out!

What do YOU get out of it?? Well, aside from enjoying a little bit of photo love each day... if I fail to post a post a blog by midnight each day (EST), I will GIVE AWAY a free Lifestyle Session (including Digital Negatives) to the first person who leaves a comment on the last post I've made.

It's true! So keep your eyes peeled....enjoy some daily photo love...and stay on your may be in for a treat!

No more crying! For you, or ME :-) It's blog time!!

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