Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Challenge Results...

The Challenge...50 days = 50 posts!. Did I choose to accept it? Yes, yes I did...

The Challenge began on November 16th 2008....and ended January 4th!

Dates I Missed & Those who CAUGHT me!! (The painful results!!)

November 19 - Ericka

November 24 - Nicole

November 28 - Lyndi

December 7 - Alysha AND Nicole!!

December 14 - Traci

December 18 - The Edingtons

January 1 - Annie

I can't tell you how accomplished I feel now, despite ALL of the sessions I have just given away! Everyone who had left comments during Cans for Comments donated for a very good cause and I feel like I have gained some loyal blog readers :-)

I would like to encourage everyone who has won a session through the BLOG Challenge to contact me asap..... Expiration for the Complimentary Sessions to be scheduled is January 31, 2009! The session does not have to take place then, we just have to get you on the calendar before it expires! (We can wait for the weather to warm up!)

If you are feeling in a giving mood, you can also give your session away as a gift certificate for someone who has not had the opportunity to have their pictures professionally taken! Just let me know what you would like to do and I hope to hear from you all VERY soon!!



  1. That was a really great idea. I even tried to catch you a time or two. :p

    Aww well. Congrats to all who caught Sam.

  2. Does this mean the blogging will stop?? Oh please no!! I enjoy logging on every day and looking at your photos.

  3. I have to agree with melissa .... it just makes my day knowin there will be a new post everyday!!! ;)

  4. Don't worry girls! I've got SO MUCH more for you guys to see!!

  5. ....I'm just happy the "Challenge" is over!

    I can't afford to give much else away!! ;-)
