Monday, January 28, 2008

Lifestyle | Lori & Mbudi

Lori & Mbudi are so much fun!

I have been wanting to do this photoshoot for SO LONG~ I love how the images came out....

Mbudi is a bartender here in Terre Haute (Simrell's & Wims) and I've had this idea brewing for sometime now...I love that they were up for anything I asked~ I hope his boss doesn't see these...I don't think they are allowed to stand on the pool tables ;)

View more of their set here

Mbudi picked the song for the slide show...I know it is not the most "romantic" choice ...I know, I know....out of the millions of other songs he could have picked!!...but he is a HUGE Gun's N Roses Fan and it totally fits them!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Senior Representatives...

I'm looking for Senior Representatives!

Representatives will receive:
A complimentary 2 hour Senior photo shoot
Online Hosting hosting of images for viewing and ordering
Product Credit towards your Senior portrait purchase

Intrigued? Contact me now to view samples and for more information...
Now booking sessions for upcoming Seniors!
Don't delay, spots will go quickly for the complimentary sessions~

The Roxy Studio
Samantha McGranahan
(812) 841-2111

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bridal Research....

I was VERY inspired today! Levi (my husband) and I took a trip over to Indianapolis to check out what was going on at the Ritz Charles Bridal Expo. It was a very classy and wonderful place to visit...There were so many vendors of all types and being there helped me truly see what the wedding market in Terre Haute could be!

How I found out about this particular bridal fair is this...Indianapolis Monthly Magazine. They can be found in your bookstores or online at This magazine featured a bridal section this month that highlighted many local vendor...A very comprehensive list of vendors I might add...I was impressed!

I love exploring what there is to offer in all areas of Indiana, as I do an equal amount of weddings and photography sessions outside of Terre Haute as I do in town...but I hate that Terre Haute businesses get overlooked...for whatever reasons that may be...I've heard many ;( sum up all of the reasons I've heard for looking elsewhere, this says it best...Small town = Small town minds....I'm not sure that I can even pin point what this means...

...Do people think that because we are not the "big" city that there is a lack of creativity?...which ultimately, is what people want right?...

...People say the want "something different", "something unique"...but why can't those needs be met locally? Are they willing to do the research, or do they prefer to go where the supplies and talents are abundant and in your face?...

I think with a little digging people would find that there are amazing resources right in their backyard...and you get to support local businesses!

I have been thinking long and hard about this issue lately...Mainly because a lot of my brides have admitted to overlooking Terre Haute photographers because there hasn't been anything impressive lately (to them) that is visible. THAT is the key...There are so many amazing photographers, musicians, venues and more...right here in Terre Haute, they are just not VISIBLE to the public!

Well, to make a long - long blog post short. My goal for 2008 is to create a LOCAL listing of wedding vendors that is accessible online to all who have a use for this information. I want to create a detailed description of each resource complete with photographs of what there is to offer by that particular vendor. There are many avenues that vendors can use to become more visible online and I suggest taking advantage of what is already out there! Google, Yahoo, AOL...all provide access to online business listings for free!...The Internet is the new Yellow Pages and you are only limited by your imagination! So what are you waiting for?? :)

Simply, my goal is to help all the amazing and talented business owners become more visible and create a strong wedding market right here in Terre Haute! I want to create an online resource that concentrates on local, unique and reputable businesses....That will be good for everyone right?! This will make it easy for brides in the process of planning and for businesses to get the traffic they deserve!

I'll keep you posted as my project begins to solidify...I'm excited~

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Website~

New Year, New Website! I'm so excited that this is seemed like it took forever....but I think it was just me :)

Website Screenshot

Check out the new layout while you are online...I have loaded it up with all new photos and content...A feast for the eyes!

Let me know what you think! I'm dying to hear some feedback~